Thursday, March 26, 2009

monday, august 9th, 1:13 pm (2004)

I'm at Vanderbilt waiting to get a CT scan on my back, reading over the earlier things I've written, trying to figure out what I need to say tomorrow night, how I need to organize my thoughts and words for my first stand up experience. I feel totally confident, now that I've finally gotten there. I'm sure I'll be a little nervous (or maybe a lot nervous) tomorrow night, but that's part of the thrill; that's part of what I crave.

I wonder if I should tape record my set tomorrow night. And if I do, should I tell the audience I'm taping it - make a thing out of it - or just do it secretly or not so secretly? My goal is to be able to get up at an open mic and just be funny. I think I definitely have to wear an outfit. I'm thinking my outfit will dictate what I talk about. Maybe I'll be Babbling Brooke. Crazy B seems to think I should harness the BB character, that she would be a real force to reckon with. Maybe. I also have the Didgeridon't Tubal Tonal Orchestra.

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