Sunday, June 28, 2009

tuesday, november 9th (2004)

6:47 pm.
Sometimes I feel like I live in a fucking Pinter play.
J: Would you like some rice?
R: What?
J: Would you like some rice?
R: You're asking me if I want rice?
J: Yes.
R: You're making rice?
J: Yes, I'm making rice. Would you like some?
R: You're eating rice?
J: I'm gonna make some.
R: What kind of rice?
J: White rice.
R: Just white rice?
J: --
R:No, I don't want any white rice.


I came up with a piece of a song on the way home from work:
I side-swiped a white truck,
Yes, sir, my life sucks;
All kinds of bad luck--
Don't ask me for anything.
I got nothing to give you;
Don't you know I gotta live, too?
I side-swiped a white truck.
Jesus Christ, my life is bad.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

sunday, november 7th (2004)

11:06 pm
Everything's different. I'm in a kinda dazey state from having spent the better part of the past two days writing songs for the children's musical SB and I are writing and A is directing. I got 6 songs out of me.

I spent 4 hours at the library yesterday looking at books (I checked out 2) but not writing any songs. I basically got myself all frustrated and decided I needed to get high to find any inspiration. I called LW; no luck. Then I went to LB's house and we smoked a whole joint together. Status quo for him; way beyond my usual intake - I would've been fine with a pipeload - but these are desparate times and I took what I could get however I could get it.

His assistant C was there; he told me she arrived and was getting out of the car and that she's a big fan of S.A.L.L.I. We smoked in the back yard with all the dogs. Then the NES guy came and needed the dogs in the house and access to the back yard so he could put in a new meter. And I was raring to go. I waited for LB a while, but he was taking too long and I was too high. I told C to tell him goodbye and left.

I didn't wanna come home because I knew if R was here I wouldn't likely be able to work. So I went to Shelby Park. But as soon as I parked I knew I was in the wrong place to be doing the kind of work I needed to do. I decided to drive around and listen to my "C&D" cassette of ideas to see if any inspiration came from that.

It did. I got inspired to make an album of the cassette of ideas, call it "First Takes," mass produce it (small run) and give it as gifts. It cracked me up. I wonder if it's still as good, now that I'm not high? (I'm only high and dry now.) We'll see.

It did get my creative juices flowing, though, and I sat at a Chinese buffet restaurant and ate bad food and roughed out four songs, then came home and wrote a couple more. R was here but was unusually removed. He's always removed - or most always - but he was kind of pleasant. Actually, quite pleasant.

The restaurant was one I'd been to a few times before for white rice. $1.50 for a quart at any Chinese restaurant in town. Quite a deal. I've been having diarrhea for going on 10 days. I have to call the doctor again in the a.m. I don't know her; I just called the number on my TennCare card. She called in a prescription for some tiny little pills that stop the diarrhea. The problem with those medications is they just stop you up. She said I could take up to 4 doses a day. I've only taken one dose at the most in a day, here and there, and only when I'm shitting water.

I don't feel particularly bad; I don't feel sick, really. I'm more tired than usual and I feel nauseous when I eat anything but B.A.R.T. (that's supposed to be B.R.A.T.: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast). I can't stick to that diet, though; I get unbelievable cravings for all kinds of things like bar-be-que and pizza and onion rings. I have stopped drinking coffee, which is a good side affect from all of this - I felt like I was drinking too much in a day.

I ordered a pizza tonight and as soon as I was done with dinner, I shat water a couple times, and then I was done. The doctor said avoid dairy, even yogurt, avoid sugar... I avoid them, but they seem to find me! I don't have a huge appetite; I'm skinnier than ever. The doctor said sometimes the body has a hard time getting back on track after a virus or something like that.

I hope that's all it is. I guess I should be more worried, but what good would that do?

R went to SMS, or nearby anyway, to stay the night with G. He took Jesse with him. Jesse is terrified of G. He has weird energy, I must admit, but I'm sure she'll survive. I'm glad I'm not having to take care of her.

R and I stopped writing notes to each other, nice or otherwise. I guess that's okay. It's kinda weird being here in all this silence. I guess I'll have to see how it unfolds.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the good kind

P1 says I'm crazy. She means it in a good way. I've been cranking out a couple of chapters a week for the past few weeks. It's not like I'm writing them from scratch, not most of them, but the work is real and it feels good.

Whenever I have a new chapter done, I read it to P1. It is important to me to hear what I've written, to make sure it sounds the way I want it to sound. P1 says she loves hearing it. It works out for both of us.

Other than writing, working, and improv, I haven't been doing much of anything. I spend a little bit of time with S around the house - having a meal, watching 30Rock (we're obsessed - it's very good; we're about halfway through the first season) or a Netflix offering - but he's busy with school and studying most of the time, so we don't really spend all that much time together.

A emails me occasionally, trying to get me to make plans with her; LR texts me once in a while telling me it's been too long, that she needs to see me. I feel like I should respond to them - and have, but my excuses sound pretty lame anymore. There are people in my life who are good about ignoring people. I wish I could be more like them, less guilt-ridden over my desire to keep doing what I'm doing right now and not get caught up in the other stuff. It's working for me, I don't want to change it.

I'm being very productive; it seems more and more likely that I will be able to finish this novel by my birthday this year. I'm usually so easily distracted because of my gregarious nature; I want to be around people, want to hang. But if I go off and do this and do that, I'm not writing. I like hanging out with the people in improv because they are from wildly diverse backgrounds and because they and the improv work itself is helping to keep the creative juices in me flowing.

It's also therapeutic. I've said that before; I'll say it again. Improv is therapeutic.

I'm anxious to start work on chapter 16 (having just read chapters 2 & 9 to P1 last night). I looked over 16 the other day, and as with others that came before it, I see a clear path; I recognize what needs to happen in the chapter, what can go away. It's thrilling.

But I also don't want to start up on it and get interrupted with work - which, until I hit the 40-hour mark in the week, is priority - so I'm adding entries from my 2004 diary, scheduled to appear every three days (so that I can get caught up in writing and not feel bad about not updating my blog for a while), as well as adding chapters to the august chagrin blog.

The good new is, I'm at the 33.5 mark with work this week (which runs Thursday-Wednesday), so it's likely I'll be able to take most of Wednesday off, like I did last week, and will possibly have another chapter to read to P1 by the end of the weekend. Crazy!

Monday, June 22, 2009

wednesday, november 3rd (2004)

What happened to Blue?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

tuesday, november 2nd (2004)

7:20 pm
Pint & Pie night at Family Wash. I think I'm going for it, even though I've had a bug in my stomach since Friday. Rice and yogurt for the last two days.

Crazy weekend. I spent about 30 hours filing Friday-Sunday. I was wiped out. And this morning at the dog park I squirted in my pants. Good thing nobody else was there! I say squirted because I don't got no real shit in me.

L and the ST's are supposedly coming out tonight. I'm glad to be here; I think it would've been kind of oppressive spending the evening at home...

7:57 pm
There's a waitress here named CS and she's got a website. I heard her sing on the radio this weekend. She reminds me of LK.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

thursday, october 28th (2004)


7:16 am
Waffle House is the place to find me on my birthday these past three years. Pecan waffle is the menu item on the plate in front of me. Today I made it a double - only $1.00 more. What a deal!

It must be a rule in the employee handbook to greet the customers as they enter the establishment. I'm never ready for it when I walk in; two or three "Good mornin's!" get throwed at me. It's hard to even respond. Then as I sit here I watch and see everybody else get good mornin's throwed at 'em, and they don't know how to respond either. Well, once in a while a regular walks in at his regular time and he gets a personalized good mornin' throwed at him, and he might even get razzed a little about something if he's the type, and he usually throws back a kind good mornin' or a "Howdy, sweetheart!" if he's the type. But for the most part, we're all in the same boat; we don't know how to respond.

7:29 am
One would've been enough! I guess I was afraid I might go hungry since my Jay Day schedule I made up over the last few days. {sic} Or maybe I was subconsciously thinking I need to start working on my paunch since I'm 40-something now! The first item I on my schedule was GYM, but I decided last night that I didn't need to do that first thing since I went at the end of the work day yesterday.

The rest of the schedule looks like this:
AV TO FUUN 1 - 4
SCREENING 7 - 11:30

I might change things around a bit, naturally. I'm still going to vote next, but I might go to the gym after that to steam. My right shoulder/side hurts. And I can shower and shave too. And I think I might see an earlier movie. I better get to the poll since I hear they've been pretty crowded, and today is the last day for early voting.

3:31 pm
I haven't had a chance to update. Things have been swimming along. One reason I was thinking of going to the gym was because I thought maybe B the black guy would be there. I figured I could stand to have sex on my birthday. He was and I did. We drove to a Baptist Hospital parking garage, pulled the curtains in the back of Shambhala Blue, and got off. It was okay. There was no spirit connection there and I realized that is what I desire most in my life, whether it be sex with a stranger or someone closer, or whether it be conversation with someone or a group of people.

I'm having a falafel sandwich at Kalamata's now. On my way here I came up with an idea for tonight. (Wear the terrycloth robe and house slippers.)

Under this robe I'm wearing my birthday suit, and this is my birthday party! Which might make me look like a real egomaniac! And I know there are therapists and people in therapy in the room tonight, so please don't read too far into all this! Actually, the reason why I'm wearing my birthday suit tonight is because in the email invitation I sent out, I said that there would be nudity. And come to find out, in the final edit, S all but edited out almost every last trace of nudity, so I thought I should give you what you paid for... Just kidding!

Actually, you
didn't pay for this, yet. I said in the email that this was a private screening and it wouldn't cost anything, but that was just to keep Sundance from disqualifying LIAB. So, it doesn't cost to get in, but it costs to get out. Just kidding!

However, if any of you would like to put a little money in the corn silo, it would help me out with the money I spent renting all this equipment so y'all could see it in style! Please don't feel obligated in any way - it's my party and I'll cry if I want to! - but I figured out that if everybody put $5 in the corn silo, the system would just about be paid for. But like I said, don't feel obligated if you can't or don't want to make a donation. And that's all I'll say about that.

(Two things S wanted me to mention about this film)

These two films will probably explain why I've been in therapy for 2 years now. But obviously, the therapy is working. I've made some real progress, which is clearly evident in

3:56 pm
I just went back in for the largest piece of tira misu the woman could find in the cooler. And then I came back out and wrote the above part before I remembered to write the time code.

After sex I went and picked up the audio-visual system for tonight. On the way to TennVisual, S called and I answered. He said, "Are you driving?"
"Do you want to die on your birthday?"

What I didn't say to him - but I might have to call him back and tell him because I just thought of it - was that I don't avoid talking on the phone while I'm driving because I don't want to kill myself but rather because I don't want to kill someone else. I couldn't live with that. Well, I couldn't live with killing myself either, but that's different.

C called while I was at TennVisual and I called her back when I was done with my transaction and we talked for a while. Then I took the system to the church, unloaded it and went to see I {Heart} HUCKABEES. (How am I not myself?)

Good movie; I especially like how Lily Tomlin seemed very well-manicured and unrushed, even when she's running. S said I would {heart} it, and I did {heart} it; I {heart} I {Heart} Huckabees!

Now I'm at Kalamata's. Not too far off schedule. And I'm gonna add an event: NEW PHONE @ TMOBILE. (and case). My phone has shattered to the floor so many times it looks downright pitiful. And then I'm planning on heading to the Frist, skipping EAT after it and continue on with the schedule from there.

11:52 pm
There were a few hitches leading up to the screening, but nothing that wasn't fairly easy to take care of, thanks to the kindness of friends. Sa had left the only copy remaining in the city of Nashville of S.A.L.L.I (did that make any sense? I'm high.) in a baggie in case it rained on their back patio. I kept forgetting to go get it while I was having Jay Day, and finally got it on my last way home before the screening (at 6pm or something like that). The baggie felt very light. I opened the DVD case without even opening the baggie, just to check. Oops! No DVD. I called Sa. They wouldn't be back home until 9 or so. I called L and he called somebody and located a DVD-R for me to reburn it. He actually got me two copies and asked for a copy of S.A.L.L.I. as a return favor for the people who had the blanks. He even brought them by the house for me. How nice!

And having CK at the screening to set up and run the AV system, that was a stroke of genius on my part - there were a couple of times during the process that I'm sure would've stressed me out totally: opening the projector screen; replacing a missing cable (actually it wasn't missing, it was non-existent, it hadn't been given to me with the rental). CK said a computer cable would do the trick. And I turned around and there was R, the computer geek member of First UU. He went right to a stash of three extra ones.

I think I'm gonna stop writing now, and glow a little bit (the film is fantastic, thanks to S); I had people leave messages for S on the camera and I'm gonna go and watch them before I send the tape to him. Besides, it's no longer Thursday, October 28th. It's 12:05 am tomorrow.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

tuesday, october 26th, part three (2004)

I've been reading Bukowski's Tales of Ordinary Madness. It's very inspiring.

Or it could be that I feel the depression lifting; I see a rosy future. Well, that may be going a little far! I see change and I see opportunity. And, of course, now that I've set my sights on a goal, other opportunities are gonna come up, and they're gonna look so good - things like M tonight, or A1.

I had a nice chat with him in Denver tonight. He went through a similar thing with R, and so I've looked to him for insight at times, and we've got a really deep connection in other ways, too.

By the way, I've stopped smoking cigarettes for real.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

tuesday, october 26th, part two (2004)

Cutie at the gym tonight. I've seen him there before, once or twice. I thought he was the young friend of the rich guy in the fancy house next to the little East Nashville post office. I saw him and a guy who looked a lot like this cutie at the Merce Cunningham dance performance. He was wearing what someone pointed out was a Commes des Garçon suit which was kind of a joke - completely unfinished, with the laundry pencil marks on it where it should be cut out and pieced together, and without finished hems anywhere.

A couple days later I think I saw this guy at the Y, he said hi. More recently, I thought I saw him again, and he had bleached a sprig of hair in the front. I don't guess they were the same guy.

The cutie I saw tonight was the one with the bleached sprig. I was coming in from working out, he was coming out of the shower, toweling off. We looked at each other across the room, our eyes meeting over the tops of the lockers. We were both at end lockers, with four or five rows were between us. He smiled big at me, watched me undress and wrap a towel around me. I walked directly to him, said, "What was your name?"
He said, "M. Have we met before?"
I mentioned the dance, the house, A, the friend of his. None of it sounded familiar to him. I said, "So I guess we haven't met before!"
He said, "M."
I said, "JDJB."
He asked to see the tattoo on my arm: JH in a small blue box. He said, "Oh, from across the room I thought it was a blue dot." He pointed to the blue dot tattooed on his arm, "And I was gonna be like that's just too wild!"

He face was soft, young. His facial hair made a sparse design on his face. A real cutie. He held my gaze and smiled into me, and I returned the experience as best I could.

I went toward the steam room, but didn't have my shave kit or fresh towel. I retrieved them and walked past him again. I mumbled a line to him as I passed.
He said, "Pardon?"
I said, "You made me forget all my stuff!"
He said, "Oh-ho!"

I did my stretches in the steam room, shaved, showered, hot then cold. It's getting easier to be focused on the task at hand and not getting caught up in looking at all the nakedness. I think meditation is doing me good. What would happen if I did it every day instead of just Sundays?!

As I left the building, I had to walk through the workout area. M was finishing up on a treadmill. I walked over to him, holding my canvas bag and sweaty gym clothes over one shoulder. I started to talk, but stopped myself when I saw him taking out an earphone.
I said, "You shower before you work out?!"
He said, "Yeah, sometimes...!"

It would've been funny and light if I'd say, "I was thinking I'd never see you again!" But I didn't think of that till I was down the road. It's probably best I didn't say much more at all. Better to look uncomfortable than obnoxious, I think!

I told him to have a good night, he chuckled and told me to do the same. Then I left him there. He was on the far inside treadmill, so I had a while to recompose myself before our eyes met again. I turned and saw him looking up after me by his reflection in the wall of mirrors surrounding us. I was behind a column. I wonder if he knew I was looking. Probably better not to make a big deal out of it!


Sunday, June 7, 2009

tuesday, october 26th (2004)

9:43 p.m.
She drives me crazy the way she's always pulling at that tag of skin under her chin. She used to be beautiful. Hell, she still is. But she started developing this droop under her face. When she looked in the mirror, it was all she could see. The years catching up with her. She'd frown at her reflection, and the flesh seemed to extend the edges of her mouth downward, like the frown ran all the day down to her fucking cleagvage. She would hold the underside of her face up to her ears in front of the mirror. That's what I'd look like, she'd tell herself. But it just looked like she was being choked by an invisible hand. Plastic surgery was out of the question; she was determined to grow old gracefully, and more importantly, truthfully. To her closest girlfriends she would muse about her "chicken-neck." She was determined to make friends with this new limb. Sometimes when she lay in bed, she found herself feeling around for it in the dark. She pulled at it, fondled it, demanded it to be present at all times. Always or never, she asked of it. It promised to try, but Gravity was a powerful foe. Then again, Gravity was the owner of this loose skin, so she felt she would have to make friends with It as well. She was a good Christian girl; she believed that enemies should be made friends with. The boys she dated never noticed the purse on her head until she mentioned it. Then they would be like, "Oh, yeah, that is peculiar." And then they would find themselves losing interest in her, not really knowing why. She knew why and she made a promise to herself not to mention it anymore. Not that she was trying to hide anything (this wasn't something she could hide), but putting so much attention on it tended to put suitors ill at ease. They were not inclined to make friends with it, as they had made friends with, say, their penis or a birthmark (not that they would ever admit to that). So she stopped talking about the loose flesh under her chin; her girlfriends, too, had long since stopped wanting to talk about it. She felt a little crazy talking to it, particularly in private, so she took to stroking it. It was kind of like sign language, love from her hand to her chin skin, an unconscious thing. People might see her doing it and say, "What are you doing?" to which she would pull her hand away and say, "Nothing." Or, more likely, those people catching her doing it would examine the act in silence, and never say a word about it, lest they risk hurting her feelings. I guess I fall into that last category. But I feel better now that I've gotten it off my chest.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

thursday, october 21st, part three (2004)

Once I discovered it, my life was all about masturbation. It took a while to sink in, but it's sunk now.

I was a preacher's kid for a while when I was growing up, and PKs have a reputation for being wild. I heard about this a lot, and believed it to be true, but only in other PKs.

It may be because I wasn't a PK for very long. Momma didn't wanna be a preacher's wife (PW), and daddy wasn't getting the gigs to take him to his dream of having a big church ("then you can make the real money," he told his best friend).

But anyway, that wasn't the kind of jerking off I meant to be writing about!

My Mamaw and Papaw lived in a tiny little town in East Central Texas. There was a little Methodist Church and there was a little Assembly of God Church in Flynn, Texas. Mamaw went to the Methodist Church, but daddy was an Assembly of God preacher (thanks to momma's momma, my Nana), so that's the church we went to when we were at Mamaw and Papaw's, and we were there about two times a year.

I guess a new preacher came to town because he suddenly appeared between our visits to Flynn. Daddy made friends with this preacher - or maybe they knew each other from the Assembly of God preacher's college in Waxahachie, I don't know. Since Mamaw and Papaw often had lots of family visiting at the same time, sleeping quarters were scarce. Once night I was pawned off on the preacher's family. Maybe it was because I'd made friends with the PK who was my age. I don't remember making friends with him (probably in Sunday School or after church), but I ended up spending the night with him.

This kid had a brother who was a couple of years older than us (we were 9 or 10). Both boys slept in the same room. They had twin beds on opposite sides of the room.


Shortly after we got in bed and the lights were out and the parents were far enough gone, the PK whose bed I shared shuffled around under the covers then handed me something.
"WHAT'S THAT?" I asked.
"shhhh," he whispered, "it's my underwear."
He dug at mine and "helped me" take them off.


He took my hand and put it on his hard little pecker. I yanked away, but he grabbed my hand again and silently instructed me to pinch the head of his penis over and over again, placing his hand on top of mine to keep it there. When I stopped or slowed, he cranked me up again and kept me going. [This sounds a lot like Anne Sullivan pounding the letters W - A - T - E - R into Hellen Keller's cheek until she got it to me right now {sic}.]

When I finally got the hang of it, he started in on mine. It only took a few peckerhead pinches to give me the first orgasm of my life. I was in the fourth or fifth grade - fourth, I think - so I was shooting puffs of air, but it shot into my brain as well. Satan was in there!

I jumped out of bed, pulled on his much shorter, smaller jeans by mistake in the dark. I tucked my still erect, probably spasming penis into the pants as best I could, and paced the room a couple of times them made my way to the bathroom. That seemed like a reasonable, God-fearing place to go in the middle of the night in a stranger's house, too freaked out to let it show.

Monday, June 1, 2009

thursday, october 21st, part two (2004)

I'm being good to myself tonight. And bad. I didn't transcribe. I checked my mail then closed the email program, looked at dirty movie clips on the web and jerked off, then smoked some (more), poured myself a SoCoCoCola, and am lying in the front bedroom writing.

I didn't write the above story here in bed - I just got here, at the line. I read one story - no, two - from Bukowski's Tales of Ordinary Madness. This inspires me. Same thing happened when I read that collection of short stories by the guy with the cool first name; I can't remember it. The inspiration happened while I was reading his book of short stories (can't remember the name of it either). I don't think I took advantage of the inspiration enough at the time and regretted it, so I'm trying to remedy that regret by taking advantage of what I'm feeling, where I'm at right now.

I'm also making Bourbon Street Red Beans & Rice (vegetarian-- vegan, actually). R asked me today if I would. I'm glad he asked, it made me feel good for some reason. A little more content. It seems that maybe our relationship is settling into a place that he can handle. He's an odd bird. More odd than I thought! (But loveable all the same; perhaps even more loveable because of it.)