Friday, March 20, 2009

july 14th, 7:15-ish (2004)

It's Bastille Day. Once, when I lived in New York, I happened in on Restaurant Florent on Bastille Day, but that's the only time I've ever celebrated or been much aware of the holiday. The faerie community here goes to Joss-uh-leen's for a big to-do. Since I'm part of the faerie community now, I'm gonna go.

But first, I'm having a beer and collecting my thoughts (in my big little journal). My attempts to find a lover have fallen through twice so far. I guess I could take on T&W, but I don't know, they're friends and it's fun messing around with them now and again. I was there last night when the storm came and the power went out. They were about to make supper; I had just dropped off their leatherwear I'd borrowed for last Friday night and a 1/4 of a chocolate cake I made (with fudge icing; the same recipe I made for L's birthday; I had buttermilk and condensed canned milk left over). We got stoned, drunk, watched the Family Guy on DVD in their computer and T and I messed around a little. W fell asleep, snoring, got up and went to bed and I came home. I'd had a beer before I went over there and two huge vodka tonics there and I was swaying when I got home. I took the trash out into the alley naked and thought I was gonna get arrested and then put in an insane asylum! I've been trying to quit smoking cigarettes. I only had one the night before last, but chain-smoked two last night. I wouldn't mind being a casual, once-in-a-while smoker if I could, like I used to be. But I don't know if that's possible anymore. It's really the only obsession I've got anymore, since I've given up my sex addiction.

I've been running into S at the dog park. He's got two Shelties, and I dig his mouth; it's his sexiest feature - though he's pretty sexy all over. We kinda flirt with each other, and I left a note on his car tonight with my number telling him to call me when he goes to the park and I'll meet him there... Time to eat cake (I hope).

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