Saturday, October 25, 2008

birthday season update #1

Fest Africa was fun last night, though I had a bit of a headache and the performances got louder and less interesting as the first act went on. It wasn't bad, just the headache. I was thinking maybe it was a hunger headache. There was food, which wasn't vegetarian, but instead of making a stink, I gave the smiling young lady at the cash box my $5 and enjoyed the meal: a chicken leg on rice, half a savory fried pie, some fried plaintains and a Mountain Dew.

All that fried had me hankering for dessert, so S and I walked down Guadalupe looking at the menus of the mostly Asian restaurants, and finally walked on home then rode our bikes over to Blue Dahlia for dessert. He had bread pudding, I had cheesecake with chocolate sauce, and we both had decaf cappuccinos. It was all yummy. S complained that the bread pudding didn't have any kind of a sauce, though where I grew up (not too far from here), bread pudding wasn't served with any kind of sauce. Still, it was a tad on the dry side, which isn't right.

My slice of cheese cake was twice as big as it should have been, in my opinion. I finally stopped eating it when I was pleasantly sick to my stomach and asked for a piece of foil to wrap it in for the bike ride home. But I forgot it on the table, as well as my phone, which another patron chased out after us with. (Why didn't she bring my cheesecake, too?!)

A couple of nights ago, I went through the first part (seven chapters) of august chagrin, getting them ready for the next phase, whatever that means, and I wanted to do the same thing with the next part last night, but I was just as sleepy as I could be when we got home. It was only 10 o'clock, so I lay on my bed and listened to one of the dozens of This American Life broadcasts I haven't gotten around to listening to. It was the one called "I Got You Pegged," or something like that. It offered several laugh-out-loud moments. And then sleep.

Tonight, A is picking S and me up and taking us to eat for my birthday at a restaurant I've never even heard of called Buenos Aires Cafe. She's a restaurant fanatic, so I asked her to choose, and she chose it for its many vegetarian options. Hooray! After that, she got tickets for a movie I want to see, a documentary called The Order of Myths, which just came out. It's about Mardi Gras in Mobile, Alabama (the first city to have a Mardi Gras in the US) and race relations then to now. A says it's gonna be a three-part birthday celebration because we're going somewhere after the movie for a drink.

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