Wednesday, July 1, 2009

thursday, november 11th (2004)

8:12 a.m.
I wish cock didn't taste bad in my dreams. I met a cutie last night, followed him around and finally got in his pants, and yep, it had that odd metallic unpleasant flavor. Quite a turnoff.

I also had a dream that I heard or read about an old lady and a man (don't know if he was old) who drove off a cliff next to a road, and then suddenly I was there, could see the red car dangling right-side up next to a tall rocky wall. I was on foot and traveling with someone - perhaps R because it seemed like we were maybe in Angel Canyon, Utah. We came upon a cluster of houses that belonged to an odd family of portly men and scrawny women. They had built the houses themselves and they all had ventilation just under the metal rooves {sic} and spiders had webs all over the ceilings like canopies over the beds and what not. I talked to the people there and they saw the accident happen. One of them had caught the car or something and attached it to a vine or cable there and there it waited for the emergency vehicles.

I thought this might just be a tall tale. Then I noticed that all of the men had their shirts off and they all had big scars in the middle of their chests. Heart surgery, I imagined. My uncle just had heart surgery, so maybe that's where that came from.

Last night I was feeling puny. I was exhausted but had had a cup of tea when I got home so I could stay up and transcribe, but I realized I was too worn out to transcribe and too hopped up to sleep. I tried to watch TV. No good. Then I lay down on the bed downstairs for a while. I think I slept a little while. R was making something that smelled very good but I knew I couldn't eat. I'd only had white rice, bananas, applesauce and toast (or crackers) for two days and my diarrhea was gone.

I went to the doctor yesterday, told him my diarrhea was gone, he said, "Oh, well, then what do you want from me?" He was 70-something, old and puffy, charming but hard of hearing. He told me to take off my shirt so he could get paid, and thumped on me a bit, then sent me away with a bill of clean health - or a "clean bill of health." No charge (to me or TennCare).

I met E at an Indian buffet restaurant for lunch, pigged out, then regretted it the rest of the day. On my way home, I almost shit my pants, and had diarrhea for the rest of the evening. R asked me how I felt and when I said, "Exhausted and anxious," he said, "Exhausted and anxious?" And that was that.

I got up from my nap and decided to go to the store for some Gatorade but couldn't find my wallet. I still haven't. So I paced around awhile then went to bed at 9:00. I said goodnight to R and he said, "You're going to bed?"

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