Friday, September 18, 2009

sunday, january 16th (2004)

9:33 p.m.
Is my life just getting weirder by the year or what? What am I doing here? R and I are not lovers. We're not really even all that close of friends (I don't think). It's like I'm the housekeeper and cook who shares his bed.

I vacuumed today, and I wiped some countertops. Sometimes I'm so satisfied by the simple act of vacuuming. The job completed. And it's not just that. In fact, I think more so it's the tidying up I do that brings me satisfaction.

--Oh, I can't forget this! I saw a documentary last night (a short) about a young guy in Dallas who was paying to get shot! He paid a mechanic-looking guy $500 to shoot him - for the scar!!! I couldn't believe what I was watching, and even now, just writing it, I wonder if it was a hoax. And I'm helping to spread this crazy hoax. But it has to be true, because it will be. Somebody else will see that and say, "I want to have that done," and it will become a thing. Crazy motherfuckers!

(photo credit)

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