Wednesday, September 16, 2009

saturday, january 15th (2004)

10:13 p.m.
Hip, hip, hooray! I went to the library today and wrote the whole first draft of "Forbidden," which I was calling The Little Pirate Story, or something like that. I should print out all of my recent short stories; I think it would be a good idea to see what I have accomplished, so I can't keep telling myself I'm not accomplishing anything. I went to the library to check out Forbidden Planet, and picked up The Apartment, too, which is what I watched tonight. I'll watch F.P. later.

There's a pen and ink drawing class at an art store here at the end of the month that I'd like to take. The catalog came to R. He's thinking about taking a class or two if {his company} will pay for it. I encouraged him to take a book binding class because I think that would give him a good thing to do with all of his photographs.

The ad for the class I'm interested in (which R says he has no interest in at all) says to bring a photo that you think would make good subject matter, "no portraits, please." I would take the picture of Big Blue that R took at the CSA farm when several of us, including S were there after Easter last year. It's my favorite photograph of R's. If I get my autobiography published, and if it's called "Big Blue," I think it would be the perfect picture for the cover.

I'm sure J will be calling me about meditation in the morning - a ride; that's why I gave him my phone number, so I could give him a ride and at the same time so it would get me there. Good thinking, huh? Because I knew the time would come when I would feel just like I feel right here and now tonight, and if I had any choice about it- if I was on my own and hadn't already turned the guy down on Tuesday - I probably wouldn't go. So I'm glad he'll be calling because that means I'll be going. And I need to.

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