Sunday, August 23, 2009

next up

I've got an idea for another story (novel?). Mostly I guess it's so I'll have something to do with my creative energy now that I'm not working on the big novel. S has that (and M up in Indiana); they're giving it a once over; they're two people I trust implicitly. S knows me, knows my work, and he's very smart; I've never worked with M in this capacity, but she's very smart as well, and has done editing work for some time.

The new story I have in mind is of a middle-aged man who arrives at an intentional community after having suffered some life trauma (a dead partner, perhaps) and is at odds with what to do with his life. He is a photographer, and perhaps his partner was his muse, most of this man's artwork and whatever success he has had is tied up in the dead partner. So, he's dealing with depression and loneliness. And then he meets a boy who changes the course of his life.

The community they live in is modeled after the treehouse hostel I stayed at in Southern Georgia a few times. It's a wonderful place; all of the sleeping arrangements are literally treehouses, but big ones, big enough for a bed and a little bit of living room. In my story, they each come outfitted with a bed and a table and chair.

I would love for the story to be a musical, or rather a description of a musical (as S put it). I have a lot of ideas swimming around in my head as to how this would be captured. One thing I picture is that the residents have little songs to teach them and get them through the chores around the commune.

I think it'll be a short novel. I want to write a short novel. November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo, it's called); it's an organized thing, worldwide, in which people attempt to write an entire novel from beginning to end in 30 days. When I was working on august chagrin, I thought that was a silly notion, but now I need something to do, and I'm liking this idea that is in my head, so it might be a good way to get it out in some form. Whether or not I'll have an entire novel (whatever size) by November 30th remains to be seen. I'll see that as a loose goal.

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