Tuesday, October 16, 2007

what's better than that?

Oh, the simple pleasures! Timmy runs through the house joyfully, making the beaded curtain clack longer than usual because he has just peed in his box.

S1 and I went to see American Fork at the Austin Film Festival last night. It was disappointing. But we had a good time out. Beforehand we went to Hut's for 2-4-1 veggie burgers and large peppered onion rings. Mmm.

I had five cavities filled yesterday, and have an appointment to get the other three filled on Monday and get my teeth cleaned. It's been a long time, and although I feel like I got my jaw socked in a fight, it also feels good to know I'm taking care of myself.

I spent two hours at J2 & A2's this morning putting his medicine doses in sandwich baggies. I had been meaning to call for the last couple of days -- since that's kind of my job -- and got a message last night when we got out of the movie from J2 saying, "I'm down to one bedtime baggie and another baggie of pills I can't figure out." (He's blind.)

I really want to go see Trail of the Screaming Forehead at the AFF today at 3:00, but I haven't done a lick of work yet.

My hands smell like feet. Why?

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