Monday, November 10, 2008

s'experiment: day 13

I stopped the daily lavender self-massages because I was getting a little carried away...

I read on the web that physical exercise is a good idea for celibates, so I'm going back to yoga starting tonight. We'll see how that goes, since I have a crush on the yoga instructor!

I also read that after some time of abstaining a certain "sweet smell" permeates the celibate, which I guess is the unexpelled testosterone finding other places in the body. I don't know really, and I don't think I've been abstinent for long enough for that to be the case.

I do know that on day 10 I went to a theater show and a man was giving me quite a number of sideways and otherwise interested looks from across the room. And last night I went to see a friend perform and several people said how handsome I looked. I did like my outfit -- brown corduroys, a slender Banana Republic sweater and my cool "birthday" hat -- but I'm wondering if I wasn't putting off some kind of energy that wasn't my usual energy, sort of a calm and sensual energy, perhaps.

Also, I have a new friend I've been hanging out with, getting to know a bit, a lesbian who is kind of a tomboy. I was thinking that we're a perfect couple to pal around because our interests in the romantic department are so opposite each other that there's no competition and no connection on that level, although I have had a crush on her for some time. Then again, I have crushes on all sorts of people, so I don't see why that should change.

(photo: copyright © 2005-2008 Joseph Hoyt. All rights reserved.)

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