Tuesday, September 30, 2008

this is why i stay out of it

I am very disillusioned by the reports that Bill Clinton will do anything to get John McCain elected. Is this a fact? Even after having lunch with Barack Obama and saying to him and to reporters he believes Obama will win the election, "and will win handily," or something like that? Is Bill Clinton as stupid as Sarah Palin?

The first whiff I got of this was after Bill Clinton was on David Letterman, followed by Chris Rock, who said, "Was it just me, or did he not wanna say Barack Obama's name out loud?!" I thought Chris was just being a blowhard, but when I asked S about it, he seemed to concur that Bill is furious at Obama for not nominating Hillary as his vice presidential running mate.

But so much so that he would do anything to get John McCain -- and, gulp, Sarah Palin -- elected? What's going on here? If it's factual, this is all big baby politics in play, and that's why I generally prefer to stay out of it.

If Bill gets his way... Spain is nice.

At a dinner party a couple of nights ago with A, her long-time friend and some young Democrats (plus a Dutchman who's here for a semester of school at Southwestern because he wants to be in the States during this historic election cycle), I mentioned to the woman sitting next to me (who just returned from a year in a town near Wasilla, Alaska, doing post-graduate work for a judge there) that I will move to Spain if McCain/Palin get into office. Her response: Well, you'll still have to pay taxes."


And for the record, Spain is not definite. Southern Italy or even Central or South America would be fine by me. Someplace warm that's not the Republican States of America. S wants to go to a Spanish-speaking country. And if he's going with me, I'll go for that. Fortunately, I have a job that I can take anywhere with me.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Barack has got to win this election. I feel pretty confident that he will win it handily. I'm keeping my options open though, because there's some weird shit going on around here.


Steven said...

I said that he was furious with Obama for beating Hillary in the primary. I don't think he or Hillary ever seriously expected Obama to choose her as his running mate.

jdjb said...

Oops! Now I feel like a politician!

jdjb said...

Okay, then why was he pretending to support Obama for president before? Why didn't he just go to some corner and lick his wounds, or even come out and say more negative things about him, instead of saying he was all for him? It's really very confusing.