Friday, April 4, 2008


I don't know why I sometimes feel the need to fill up all of my time with activities. Maybe I'm avoiding working on the novel, or maybe, after having spent so many hours in front of the computer doing $ work, I don't feel like spending the rest of my time sitting in front of the computer doing creative work. But I've also gotten into a stretch of socializing -- since John's memorial service last Sunday -- that I really enjoy. I don't follow my astrology too closely (once in awhile I look at the Chinese horoscope on my facebook page, and I often read Rob Brezny in the Chronicle, but they don't usually say anything too meaningful), but I certainly feel myself going through phases, socially, that if I were to look back at my horoscopes I think I might see something there. Really, I think that's the only way for me, to look back and say "Ah."

I got a hankering today to see some Improv at ColdTowne, and I thought of B, who always says he interested. So I called him and we made plans to see a show at 8:00. I also like the idea of spending more time with B. We enjoy each other's company.

I've been spending too much money lately and there hasn't been enough work to sustain me, to keep me from having to dip into my savings. But some of the expenses have been necessities -- yoga, the vet -- and that's what my savings are there for, I tell myself.

I need to go grocery shopping.

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